1. Churaumi Fish Encyclopedia
  2. Steinitz' prawn-goby
  • Coral Reef Gallery
  • Rareness:★★★★★

Steinitz' prawn-goby
※Off display.

Inhabits the sandy bottoms of coral reef bays. It is known to live alongside the teppo snapping shrimp (Alpheus brevicristatus). This species looks very similar to the redspotted shrimpgoby (Amblyeleotris ogasawarensis), however the Steinitz' prawn-goby can be distinguished by its diagonal bands on the entire body and no distinct line below its eyes. In Japan, they are only known around Hachijojima Island, Yakushima Island and the Ryukyu Islands.

Scientific name Amblyeleotris steinitzi
English name Steinitz' prawn-goby

Area Guide
