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Search results of Creatures that start with S
Sea lily
Sandy prawn-goby
- Rare species
Sword-tail newt / Japanese sword-tail newt
Southern orange-lined cardinal fish
- Reproduction Award
Sicklefin lemon shark
Sharptail mola
Spindle cowry species
- Popular
Splitfin flashlightfish
- Reproduction Award
Smallspotted dart / Small spotted dart
Spearnose seabat
Spot-tail shark
Scissortail sergeant
Spotlined bass
- Japan's First
Silvertip shark
Spanner crab
Sixline wrasse
Staghorn coral
Shortfin turkeyfish / Dwarf lionfish
- Reproduction Award
Sandbar shark
- Popular
Spotted jelly
Striated frogfish
Sixbar wrasse
Smooth fan lobster
Saddle butterflyfish
Spoon seagrass
Semicircle angelfish
Striped threadfin
Sickle seagrass / Sea grass