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Search results of The Sea of Tropical Fish
Leathery sea anemone
Yellowbanded sweetlips
Emperor red snapper
Oriental butterflyfish
Red-toothed triggerfish / Redtooth triggerfish
Peacock hind
Black-axil chromis
Staghorn damselfish
- Popular
Humphead wrasse
Common parrotfish
Brownstripe red snapper
Pyramid butterflyfish
Blackspotted puffer
Horn coral / spine coral
Scribbled leatherjacket filefish
Blubberlip snapper
Stout chromis
Checkered snapper
Spotted unicornfish
Greensnout parrotfish
Blacktail snapper
- Reproduction Award
Pink anemonefish
Tripletail / Pacific tripletail
Moontail bullseye / Crescent tail bigeye
Blackeye thicklip
Bulb-tentacle sea anemone
Yellowfin surgeonfish