1. Churaumi Fish Encyclopedia
  2. Whitetail dascyllus

The Coral Sea Coral Reef Gallery

Whitetail dascyllus

  • Rareness:★★★★★

Distributed in the Indian Ocean and western Pacific Ocean. In Japan, from Tanabe Bay in Wakayama Prefecture southwards. They colonize near branched corals in reef ponds and at depths up to 15 meters. They often hide between coral branches when they are threatened, or while resting at night. Whitetail dascyllus are omnivorous and feed on zooplankton, fish eggs and attached algae. They are a popular aquarium fish due to their beautiful black and white stripes. Their breeding season begins in early summer, and they lay their eggs on seaweed.

Scientific name Dascyllus aruanus
English name Whitetail dascyllus
Churaumi Fish Encyclopedia