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Search results of Creatures that start with L
Leathery sea anemone
Little tuna / Kawakawa / Mackerel tuna
- Popular
Long-spine porcupinefish
Longnose butterfly fish
Lemon damsel
Lesson's thicklip
Long-spined urchin
- Reproduction Award
Leopard whipray
- Rare species
Loach goby
Longhorn cowfish
Leopard coralgrouper
Lunar fusilier
Longfinned bullseye
Largemouth triplefin
Little spinefoot
Longface emperor
Luzon sea star
Longtooth grouper
Longlegged spiny lobster
Loggerhead turtle
Latticed butterflyfish
Large toothed cardinalfish
Lavender jobfish
Lemon notodoris
Lesser knob coral
Lined surgeonfish
Linear blenny
Live shark sucker