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Search results of Creatures that start with L
Leathery sea anemone
Live shark sucker
Lesser moray
Linear blenny
- Rare species
Loach goby
Long-spined urchin
Lunar fusilier
Longnose seahorse
Little tuna / Kawakawa / Mackerel tuna
Lined surgeonfish
Loggerhead turtle
Little spinefoot
- Popular
Long-spine porcupinefish
Largemouth triplefin
Longhorn cowfish
Longface emperor
Longnose hawkfish
Lavender jobfish
Longnose butterfly fish
Luzon sea star
Lesson's thicklip
Leopard coralgrouper
Large toothed cardinalfish
- Reproduction Award
Leopard whipray
Longlegged spiny lobster
Lobed brain coral / Largebrain root coral
Lemon damsel
Leather coral