

The world’s first successful exhibition of the spiny deep-sea spider crab Cyrtomaia micronesica

Okinawa Churaumi is happy to announce the world’s first successful exhibition of the deep-sea spider crab Cyrtomaia micronesica


Cyrtomaia micronesica

Cyrtomaia micronesica is a species of deep-sea spider crab found at depths from 210 to 637 meters around Guam and Palau, the Nikko Seamount and the Ogasawara Islands. In Japan, only 4 individuals identified as Cyrtomaia micronesica have been caught. The Japanese name proposed in 2019 was based on an individual caught in the Ogasawara Islands. Its distinctive features are the rows of sharp spines on first three segments of its thorax, and a pair of long thin spines on the front half of the back of its carapace. Its body is mostly orange, and parts of the rear of the carapace are white. Its legs have orange and white stripes.

Place of exhibit

Small Life in the Deep Sea in the Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

Size of Exhibit

1 Female, Carapace width approximately 4cm
※Exhibit may close depending on the condition of the animals.


Zoea larvae right after being released

The Cyrtomaia micronesica on exhibit was collected in December 2019, at a depth of around 600 meters off of Kume Island in Okinawa Prefecture. Through observation we have confirmed behaviors such as gathering the surrounding sand with its thorax and burrowing its body into the sand. Also, crabs generally guard their eggs until they hatch near their abdomen. We confirmed this individual was brooding eggs and after 10 days it released over 3,000 zoea larvae each around 3.5 mm in length. One week after the release of the zoea larvae, the crab laid new eggs. This aspect of its reproductive ecology had been unknown. Take the opportunity to witness a living specimen of this species.

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium will continue to shed light on the ecology of this species through observations during captive breeding while conducting surveys of the deep-sea creatures that inhabit the waters of Okinawa.


Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture
TEL:+81-980-48-3748 FAX:+81-980-48-4444