Certified Zoos and Botanical Gardens Conserving Rare Species

What are Certified Zoos and Botanical Gardens Conserving Rare Species?

The Japanese Ministry of Environment awards zoos and botanical gardens a special certification for meeting certain standards for conserving rare species of animals and propagating plants. In particular, the conservation of rare species of wild animals and plants outside of their natural habitat, and the education of the general public. Certified facilities can have simplified procedures for the transfer of individuals of rare species, making it easier to conserve these species.

Contents of certification

Nationally rare species of wild fauna and flora ・クロイワトカゲモドキ(Goniurosaurus kuroiwae kuroiwae)
・イボイモリ(Echinotriton andersoni)
・オオアガリマイマイ(Nesiohelix omphalina bipyramidalis)
・ヘソアキアツマイマイ(Nesiohelix omphalina  omphalina
・アマノヤマタカマイマイ(Satsuma amanoi
Internationally rare species of wild fauna and flora ・アメリカマナティー(Trichechus manatus
・アカウミガメ(Caretta caretta
・アオウミガメ(Chelonia mydas
・タイマイ(Eretmochelys imbricata
・ヒメウミガメ(Lepidochelys olivacea
Name of the Certified Organization General Incorporated Foundation Okinawa Churashima Foundation
Location 888 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Okinawa
Representative Name Chairman Yoshihiro Hanashiro
Date of certification Certified on April 11th, 2022
Expiration Date August 30th, 2027


Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture
TEL:+81-980-48-3748 FAX:+81-980-48-4444
