

Discovery of a new species! The world’s first display of a new flower hat jelly Olindias deigo

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium has discovered a new species of flower hat jelly, which is now on display for the first time in the world!


Scientific name:Olindias deigo

There had been only six species in the world belonging to the genus Olindias. The flower hat jelly Olindias formosus found in Japan is known to be the most beautiful Olindas. This new species looks similar to this flower hat jelly, however, it differs in the number of outer umbrella tentacles and is paler in color. The results of DNA analysis confirmed that it is a new species.
This is the first record of a new species in this genus in 114 years.

Place of exhibit

Churaumi Aquarium “Small Life in the Coral Reef” corner.

Size of Exhibit

Two individuals Diameter of umbrella about 8cm

Exhibit duration

Until 29th February 2020 (Currently Scheduled)
※Exhibit may close depending on the condition of the animals.

Olindias deigo was reported as a new species based on specimens collected from the northern region of the main island of Okinawa. Breeding of this species was successful at Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium, as the Okinawa Churashima Foundation conducted research to reveal its ecology. Its name deigo comes from the common Okinawan flower that blooms from spring to summer.
We hope the beautiful fluorescent colors of this flower hat jelly remind you of the deigo flower.

Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium will continue to study the ecology of species that inhabit the waters of Okinawa through rearing and displays.


Okinawa Churaumi Aquarium

424 Ishikawa, Motobu-cho, Kunigami-gun, Okinawa Prefecture
TEL:+81-980-48-3748 FAX:+81-980-48-4444